7 Signs Your Wife Is Controlling And How To Deal With It

She needs to control everything — and she becomes near impossible to live with when she can’t. Fortunately, there are things you can do to help your controlling wife address the fears behind her behavior. She needs you to love and accept her as she is while also helping her become the person she wants to be. If you’re both willing to do the work, there’s reason to hope for better days ahead....

December 25, 2022 · 7 min · 1359 words · Monica Hill

77 Questions For Couples To Unlock Great Conversation Plus Printable Pdf

The most successful and lasting relationships require mindful communication before a conflict ever arises. And part of this communication means sharing questions for couples to draw you both out. Meeting regularly with your spouse or partner to ask questions and learn more about each other safeguards your relationship from painful conflicts. The deep conversations these questions foster also will create a new level of intimacy between you. (Sidebar: If you’d like to learn additional strategies to enhance your relationship, then I suggest checking out this book, which has 201 relationship questions that will build a deeper trust and intimacy with your loved one....

December 25, 2022 · 25 min · 5193 words · Marina Gentry

87 Good Morning Texts For Him

Unfortunately, you may not be a morning person who can come up with a creative text day after day. Never fear! We’ve crafted the following list of good morning texts so you can have original texts every day, even before you’ve had your first cup of coffee. What to Text a Guy in the Morning to Make Him Smile You want his day to start great. What better way than writing a good morning text for him....

December 25, 2022 · 9 min · 1828 words · Vanessa Autry

9 Abrasive Personality Traits You Must Know

But it can make you difficult to be around. Even if you’re the best at what you do (and you really are), you’ve noticed people act uncomfortable around you. It’s obvious they’d rather be somewhere else. And you’re not invited. Ouch. You’ve heard the word “abrasive” (among others) connected with your name. So, what does it actually mean — and what can you do about it? What is An Abrasive Personality?...

December 25, 2022 · 6 min · 1167 words · Stacy Robinson

Feel Like You Can T Do Anything Right 11 Ways To Turn It Around

Think about the last time you felt this way. After some time, did your lack of energy subside? Remember that depressive feelings don’t last forever, as emotions act like a tide coming in and out. Luckily, there is always something you can do to get back in action. We’ve created a list of 11 positive practices to turn things around. What to Do When You Can’t Do Anything If your self-esteem is running on empty, you may be asking yourself, “Why can’t I get anything right?...

December 25, 2022 · 7 min · 1441 words · Sharon Ellinger

Feeling Like Nobody Loves You 18 Ways To Turn This Around

From the time we’re old enough to watch television and Disney movies, we see how it’s supposed to play out for us. We find our special person, fall in love, and spend the rest of our lives in blissful, romantic joy. Meanwhile, many people (and maybe you) keep wondering, “Why doesn’t anyone love me? Where is my happy ending?” If you’re tired of hearing that it happens when you least expect it, and you just have to put yourself out there, this is the article for you....

December 25, 2022 · 11 min · 2194 words · Brian Gibson

How To Believe In Yourself 9 Effortless Steps Toward Believing In Yourself

There’s more to believing in yourself than paying yourself compliments, thinking positive thoughts or faking it ’til you make. Self-belief means you can recognize the truth of who you are and what you’re capable of. Ironically, true humility (that virtue that makes people wiser and more likable — and has nothing to do with false humility and self-deprecation) requires a healthy degree of self-confidence. And self-confidence is belief in yourself and your ability to do what needs doing....

December 25, 2022 · 11 min · 2186 words · Laura Douglas

How To Increase Your Energy

Have you ever noticed how everything in life slows down when you don’t have energy? When you wake up tired or feel spent for some reason, it feels like you are slogging through quicksand just to get through the day. Tasks that are generally no-brainers feel overwhelming. And anything that requires more than a thimble-full of concentration is simply crossed off the list. It ain’t gonna happen. Then an interesting and not-so-pleasant phenomenon occurs on our low energy days....

December 25, 2022 · 5 min · 1010 words · Sandra Kong

How To Start Over In Life

I could have chosen to resist, to cling to the status quo, but instead, I’ve decided to embrace the change and set off on a new adventure. As of last week when my youngest daughter graduated from high school, I am officially an empty nester. She heads off to college in a couple of months, and her departure marks the official end of my day-to-day parenting role. It is a bitter-sweet phase, one that is natural and expected but tinged with sadness nonetheless....

December 25, 2022 · 7 min · 1425 words · Dexter Tewani

Is It Ok To Break Up Over Text When Is It Okay And When Is It Not

One day, they’re going about their life, none the wiser, and BAM! They get a breakup text message from their partner. It’s not an urban legend, either. This happens all the time. And today, we’re unpacking the good, bad and ugly with text breakups. When is breaking up over text acceptable, and when is it not? We’ve got the answers you’re looking for, so let’s dive in. Is It Disrespectful to Break Up Over Text?...

December 25, 2022 · 6 min · 1235 words · Ruth Sowell

Personal Core Values List 400 Examples To Embrace And Live By

It’s essential to your personal evolution to take stock of your values on a regular basis, and then make the necessary changes to align your life with these most important core values (also called personal values). Living in harmony with your core values creates a fertile environment for happiness, peace of mind, and success because you are living authentically without confusion, guilt, or shame. What are core values? Your core values tell you what you consider important or deeply meaningful....

December 25, 2022 · 16 min · 3248 words · Deborah Wininger

Scripts For Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse keeps you tongue-tied and anxious, unable to speak up for fear of rocking the boat. When your abuser shuts you down with control, anger, manipulation, and subtle threats, it’s hard to know how to respond or what to say without making things worse. However, by allowing your partner to get away with abusive behaviors without saying anything, or when you lash out in pain and anger yourself, you’re giving away your power and reinforcing your abuser’s control....

December 25, 2022 · 3 min · 574 words · Karen Chase

Types Of Motivation

Do you go to work to get a paycheck, or because you genuinely enjoy your job? Do you drive the speed limit to avoid punishment, or because you value your safety and enjoy taking the time to take a break from everyday life in the car? These are perfect examples that show the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Many things can motivate you to do what you do, but the primary difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation is whether you are driven by an internal desire or by some external force that can be positive or negative....

December 25, 2022 · 6 min · 1146 words · Charles Graham

Why Do Men Lie 11 Possible Reasons To Consider

This is different than that “little white lie” you told last week. He seems to have a track record of being less than truthful or downright deceitful. It hurts, and you’re confused about how to handle it. Why does he lie to you? He’s got to know it’s tearing you apart. Wondering why men lie so much got you here, and now it’s time to give those much-needed answers. What Do Men Mostly Lie About?...

December 25, 2022 · 10 min · 1955 words · Clara Rios

Why Does My Husband Look At Other Women Online

And it hurts. It’s fair to ask, “Why does my husband look at other females online (or anywhere)?” Whether he means to or not, he’s telling you you’re not enough for him. But why does he do it? Does he even notice or even care about what that does to you? And what can you do about it? Why My Husband Looks at Other Females Online When it comes to the “Why?...

December 25, 2022 · 7 min · 1354 words · Henry Wilson

11 Assertiveness Training Exercises With Examples

Learning to speak confidently about your wants and needs doesn’t come easily to everyone. Some people naturally develop these skills, while it takes others many years to work past the feelings of shame and guilt that inhibit them from being assertive. Assertiveness is one of the most potent qualities we can possess, both in our personal lives and at work. If you have trouble developing this skill, we have compiled a list of assertiveness exercises for adults to help you....

December 24, 2022 · 10 min · 2108 words · Billie Gonzalez

13 Signs Of A Hopeless Romantic

To most of the world, you wear rose-colored glasses, but to you, it seems like everyone else’s lenses need a good soap and water cleanse. You’re a “hopeless romantic,” but you don’t feel hopeless at all. In fact, you feel more hopeful than most. If anything, you’re stubborn in your belief that love will conquer all. So, where did the term “hopeless romantic” even come from? And what does it mean?...

December 24, 2022 · 9 min · 1737 words · Maria Mimbs

13 Things A Third Date Means To A Guy

You went out a couple of times and enjoyed yourselves enough to make it to date number three. Great! But now you have a bunch of third-date questions in your head. What should happen on a third date? What does it mean for him? Is he expecting sex? Are you officially an item? Allow us to demystify third date expectations so you can just relax and decide how you feel about your potential new mate....

December 24, 2022 · 9 min · 1796 words · Annette Carlson

13 Ways To Fall Out Of Love With Someone

Unfortunately, sometimes partnerships take an unexpected turn, and we must let go of love. Whether that love is profoundly romantic or feelings of solid friendship, it ends when it ends. And then, we are faced with falling out of love, which is a challenge. Can You Actually Fall Out of Love with Someone? Some science says yes, you can deliberately fall out of love. Can You Actually Fall Out of Love with Someone?...

December 24, 2022 · 10 min · 2120 words · Donna Tarwater

159 Romantic Things To Do As A Couple

We believe this blissful stage in our relationship will last forever. But with time, that initial euphoria wanes, life resumes its normal course, and we refocus on our everyday lives. Once we are in our busy routines, we forget to schedule romantic things to do together as a couple the way we did in the early days. However, studies have shown that there is a high correlation between couples having fun and having a happy marriage....

December 24, 2022 · 38 min · 8074 words · Marlene Brereton