You’re in love! Shouting it from a rooftop may feel like a good idea. But first, your partner — the object of your affection — deserves to know. Telling someone you love them is a big step that takes a bit of preparation. It’ll become a special memory on which you can look back if done right. So today, we’re breaking down how to deploy the perfect first “I love you.”

What’s the Best Way To Tell Someone I Love You?

Are you searching for things to say to someone you love? Falling in love is loads of fun — the butterflies and intense feelings make us “good crazy.” But telling someone how you feel for the first time can be nerve-wracking! One must consider oodles of variables. Will it be awkward? Will you regret it? Will they say it back? So before doing the deed, think about the five pillars of an adoration declaration.

1. Triple Check Your Readiness

It’s better to be certain than sorry! Saying “I love you” too early can lead to mixed-signal syndrome — which causes emotional migraines. So before diving into the love end, make sure it’s your brain talking and not your body. The difference between lust and love can be challenging to determine early on in a relationship. Also, don’t say it just to get laid. You’re better than that. At the same time, don’t be one of those frustrating people who can never say those “three little words.” If you’re still at that point, consider working with a therapist to explore and heal past hurts that prevent you from showing and receiving affection.

2. Be Sober

Declaring affection is a big deal. Give the moment the clear-headed respect it deserves. Saying “I love you” while under the influence is a mistake. A slurred and sloppy declaration is the opposite of a good look. For starters, you may not even mean it. Secondly, your partner may not believe you, which leads to bickering. To be clear, we’re not suggesting alcohol cannot be involved at all. In fact, saying I love you over a stellar bottle of something is uber-romantic. But don’t get drunk! Are you the extra credit type? Pick up “Wine Simple: A Totally Approachable Guide from a World-Class Sommelier.” Choosing a great bottle is the cherry on top of a romantic evening.

3. Say It in Person

Please don’t text the first “I love you.” Arguably, it’s almost as bad as breaking up with someone by text. First, don’t you want to look into your lover’s eyes? Second, if you do it by text, you won’t see their reaction — good or bad. This is essential information! Third, your partner may not appreciate a digital message for the special moment — effort matters. Also, don’t just say it to weasel yourself out of a jam with your significant other. Doing so qualifies as emotional toying. If your partner has potential, tell the truth instead of deflecting with a false declaration. Ultimately, saying “I love you” for the first time by text is a cop-out. Stand proud in your love and say it face to face. You’ll be glad you did.

4. Don’t Say It During Sex

Hormones are excitedly raging through your body during sex — and sometimes they cause us to say things we don’t mean.  Even if you love your partner more than anyone before, don’t say it for the first time while making whoopie. Your sincerity may come into question, and it may plant a seed of doubt for weeks to come.

5. Pick the Right Spot

“I love you dates” are important! So pick a good spot. It needn’t be fancy, but it should be memorable. Where did you meet? Is it appropriate to do it there? Try to avoid super crowded places where the presence of other people could ruin the moment. Think long and hard about what your partner would enjoy. Remember, this moment is meant to be special for both of you.

How To Tell Someone You Love Them: 57 Memorable Phrases To Express Your Feelings

The first time you let your partner know how you feel, say the actual words “I love you.” But after that, get creative! To that end, here are 57 ways to tell someone you love them.

  1. You’re beyond special to me.
  2. I’ve never cared as much about someone as I do you.
  3. I feel bonded to you even when we’re apart.
  4. I’m so proud to be with you.
  5. You make me want to be a better person.
  6. With you by my side, I can conquer anything.
  7. Spending time with you makes me feel amazing.
  8. I trust you implicitly.
  9. I can be totally myself with you.
  10. You’re the only person around whom I don’t get embarrassed.
  11. Knowing you’re by my side gives me courage.
  12. Your thoughtfulness never ceases to amaze me.
  13. I love how you [insert thing] whenever I [insert thing].
  14. I’ll never give you up.
  15. You’re all I need to get by.
  16. Your wisdom and outlook saved me from me.
  17. My life is a lot more manageable because you’re in it.
  18. I know your intentions are always good, even when I don’t fully understand them.
  19. I hear your voice even when we’re far apart.
  20. You’re the one person who gives me goosebumps.
  21. Being around you makes me feel refreshed and renewed.
  22. Fate brought us together, but love keeps us together.
  23. I want to know every part of you.
  24. I feel like we’re a cosmic match.
  25. I don’t care who you were in the past because I love the person you are now. 115 Of The Best Love Messages For Your Wife 33 Romantic Love Notes and Texts for Her 109 Of The Best Appreciation Messages To Show Your Gratitude
  26. Seeing pictures of you makes my heart skip a beat.
  27. Time stops when I’m with you.
  28. I cherish you exactly as you are — faults and all.
  29. I know all my secrets are safe with you.
  30. The moment I saw you, something sparked. I truly believe we were made for each other.
  31. Your love could carry me anywhere.
  32. I value your guidance and advice.
  33. The way you think before you speak is admirable.
  34. Hugging you fills me with warmth.
  35. You inspire me to be the best I can possibly be.
  36. I’ll never forget how you [insert thing]. I knew right then you were for me.
  37. I envy your compassion and positive worldview.
  38. Your feelings are always important to me.
  39. I love providing solutions to your problems.
  40. Your support lets me reach my full potential.
  41. Your generosity and kindness astound me.
  42. I feel so relaxed and settled whenever I get a message from you.
  43. Will you be my emergency contact?
  44. Sharing my secrets with you is easy because I trust you completely.
  45. I typically don’t like surprises, but the ones you plan are perfect.
  46. Your capacity for compassion and generosity renewed my faith in humankind.
  47. I could spend all day doing absolutely nothing as long as it’s with you.
  48. Your spirit never ceases to amaze me.
  49. Whenever I see a photo of us, I’m amazed that you agreed to be my gal.
  50. Your smile illuminates everything around you. It has the power to make a bleak day bright.
  51. In you, I see my present and future. I cannot wait to share the rest of my days with you.
  52. Holding your hand sends a rush of love through my body.
  53. Watching paint dry is fun if I’m with you.
  54. I don’t know how I survived before you popped into my life.
  55. You may know me better than I know myself, and I love that.
  56. My care and concern for you know no bounds.
  57. You make me laugh, and it’s healing. We hope our advice on how to tell someone you’re in love with them was helpful. Love is incredible, and the first time you say it should be too. Give yourself a gift to remember and make the moment memorable.

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