Being able to take ownership of your mistakes will ensure you learn important lessons that will prevent you from repeating those same mistakes again. These quotes about regrets will help you take a step back and evaluate your decisions in your life and come to peace with the possible mistakes you have made.

Our List Of 99 Of The Best Regret Quotes

Quotes on Life and Regrets

  1. “If you live long enough, you’ll make mistakes. But if you learn from them, you’ll be a better person. It’s how you handle adversity, not how it affects you. The main thing is never quit, never quit, never quit.” – William J. Clinton
  2. “We all make mistakes, have struggles, and even regret things in our past. But you are not your mistakes, you are not your struggles, and you are here NOW with the power to shape your day and your future.” – Steve Maraboli
  3. “We all do things we desperately wish we could undo. Those regrets just become part of who we are, along with everything else. To spend time trying to change that, well, it’s like chasing clouds.” – Libba Bray
  4. “If only. Those must be the two saddest words in the world.” – Mercedes Lackey
  5. “Make it a rule of life never to regret and never to look back. Regret is an appalling waste of energy; you can’t build on it; it’s only good for wallowing in.” – Katherine Mansfield
  6. “The only things I regret, and the only things I’ll ever regret are things I didn’t do. In the end, that’s what we mourn. The paths we didn’t take. The people we didn’t touch.” – Scott Spencer
  7. “Don’t live your life regretting yesterday. Live your life so tomorrow you won’t regret today.” – Catherine Pulsifer
  8. “Don’t allow yourself to become one who, nearing death, regrets what you might have done if only you had taken a few risks We each have a purpose in life.” – Gillian Stokes
  9. “Regrets are not inherited. Regrets are those elements of life that seek to undermine our enthusiasm and our willingness to assume a life filled with new discoveries and the attainment of goals. Let not your regrets be your undoing but instead your vehicle to learn from what did not work.” – Byron Pulsifer
  10. “Never regret anything from your past because one day, you’ll look back and thank it for hurting you so much that you decided to become a stronger human being.” – Faith Star
  11. “Have no regrets. The elderly usually don’t have regrets for what we did, but rather for things we did not do. The only people who fear death are those with regrets.” – Unknown
  12. “A great source of calamity lies in regret and anticipation; therefore a person is wise who thinks of the present alone, regardless of the past or future.” – Oliver Goldsmith
  13. “We cannot always change what has happened to us, but we can change how we react and how we live in the future. Living with no regrets is living successfully.” – Dr. Ellen Taricani
  14. “Regret, remorse, sorrow all emotions that can result in negative feelings. Only you can change your emotions to positive ones, you cannot change the past but you can change the future” – Catherine Pulsifer
  15. “Stop fretting about past decisions. They have provided valuable wisdom. Go forward without fear or regret.” – Paul Martens
  16. “Never regret. If it’s good, it’s wonderful. If it’s bad, it’s experience.” – Victoria Holt
  17. “When tomorrow comes this day will be gone forever, but I shall hold something which I have traded for it. It may be no more than a memory, but if it is a worthy one I shall not regret the price.” – Unknown
  18. “Regret is an odd emotion because it comes only upon reflection. Regret lacks immediacy, and so its power seldom influences events when it could do some good.” – William O’Rourke
  19. “Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable.” – Sydney Harris
  20. “There is no point in regretting for things that have happened but it makes a big difference to think about a solution or idea to change the unexpected outcome or effects of the choices made.” – Lindsay Hallie
  21. “First, imagine taking the potentially regret – producing path of inaction. Then imagine what the very best outcome would be were you to take this risk. By picturing both scenarios in advance, you can avoid the regret of what might have been.” – Wayne Dyer
  22. “When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us.” – Alexander Graham Bell
  23. “It is not the experience of Today that drives a person mad, it is the remorse or bitterness of something which happened Yesterday and the dread of what Tomorrow may bring.” – Unknown
  24. “We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons.” – Jim Rohn
  25. “If we don’t deal with the roots of our regrets, if we don’t make the choice to start over, the costs of what we’re missing out on can be enormous and will accrue exponentially over time.” – Dave Ferguson
  26. “There is no need to lament on the bygone failures, instead concentrate on things that you can change and let other things take their own course.” – Robert Gallagher
  27. “The longer our trail of regrets, the more we tend to value the importance of making wise decisions.” – Bob Santos
  28. “Most of us have had regrets and recognize how they can hold us back or keep us stuck in life and relationships. Getting past “the Past” is important for anyone desiring to live beyond mistakes and the problems they make.” – Ron Neff
  29. “Many people choose to dwell on their failures. This leads to unnecessary worrying, regret, shame, and stress. Instead of dwelling on the past, you can reflect on your experiences and use negative situations as a learning experience.” – Morris Pratt
  30. “Make the most of your regrets; never smother your sorrow, but tend and cherish it till it comes to have a separate and integral interest. To regret deeply is to live afresh.” – Henry David Thoreau
  31. “I would much rather have regrets about not doing what people said, than regretting not doing what my heart led me to and wondering what life had been like if I’d just been myself.” – Brittany Renee

Regret Quotes About Love

  1. “Looking back, I have this to regret . . . that too often when I loved, I did not say so.” – David Grayson
  2. “The essential sadness is to go through life without loving. But it would be almost equally sad to leave this world without ever telling those you loved that you love them.” – Unknown
  3. “Never take anyone for granted…we never seem to realize what we have until it is no longer ours then it becomes the only thing we want.” – Unknown
  4. “When someone you love says goodbye you can stare long and hard at the door they closed and forget to see all the doors God has open in front of you.” – Shannon Adler
  5. “Don’t regret knowing the people who came into your life. Good people give you happiness. Bad ones give you experience. The worst ones give you lessons and the best people give you memories.” – Unknown
  6. “In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take, the relationships we were afraid to have, and the decisions we waited too long to make.” – Lewis Carroll
  7. “Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.” – Kahlil Gibran
  8. “There was once a love which I did not learn to cherish, it was only when I lost it that I felt extreme regret. There is no worse experience than such feeling.” – Unknown
  9. “Don’t make my mistake. Don’t let yourself be so angry that you stop loving. Because one day you’ll wake up from that anger, and the person you love will be gone.” – Dawson’s Creek
  10. “Trust before you love, know before you judge, commit before you promise, forgive before you forget and appreciate before you regret.” – Unknown
  11. “The only calibration that counts is how much heart people invest, how much they ignore their fears of being hurt or caught out or humiliated. And the only thing people regret is that they didn’t live boldly enough, that they didn’t invest enough heart, didn’t love enough. Nothing else really counts at all.” – Ted Hughes
  12. “When it’s gone, you’ll know what a gift love was. You’ll suffer like this. So go back and fight to keep it.” – Ian McEwan
  13. “When you loved someone and had to let them go, there will always be that small part of yourself that whispers, “What was it that you wanted and why didn’t you fight for it?” – Shannon Alder
  14. “Sadly enough, the most painful goodbyes are the ones that are left unsaid and never explained.” – Johnathan Harnisch
  15. “Mistakes we make in the past sometimes keep us connected. Heartache sometimes keeps us connected.” – Jacqueline Simon Gunn
  16. “Never ignore a person who loves and cares for you, because one day you may realize that you’ve lost the moon while counting the stars.” – Anonymous
  17. “What hurts more; the pain of ‘what ifs’, or the pain of rejection?” – Izey Odiase
  18. “Hurting people you love is the heaviest kind of regret.” ― Charlotte Eriksson
  19. “‘Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.” – Alfred Lord Tennyson
  20. “The way to love anything is to realize that it might be lost.” – G.K. Chesterson
  21. “And perhaps some will never understand, it is mostly the farewells that unite us, and last in our memory forever, even more than the first meeting.” – Mimi Novic
  22. “I wish I could turn back the clock. I’d find you sooner and love you longer.” – Unknown
  23. “Unforgiving hearts die in regret.” – Unknown
  24. ” Who knows how long I’ve loved you, you know I love you still. Will I wait a lonely lifetime? If you want me to I will.” – The Beatles
  25. “There’s this place in me where your fingerprints still rest, your kisses still linger, and your whispers softly echo. It’s the place where a part of you will forever be a part of me.” – Gretchen Kemp
  26. “Love is never lost. If not reciprocated, it will flow back and soften and purify the heart.” – Washington Irvin
  27. “What the heart has once owned and had, it shall never lose.” – Henry Ward Beecher
  28. “People should not judge failed love affairs as failed experiences, but as part of the growth process. Something does not have to end well for it to have been one of the most valuable experiences of a lifetime.” – Ethel Person
  29. “To love and win is the best thing; to love and lose, the next best.” – William Thackeray
  30. “An act of love that fails is just as much a part of the divine life as an act of love that succeeds, for love is measured by fullness, not by reception.” – Harold Loukes
  31. “Never take someone for granted. Hold every person close to your heart because you might wake up one day and realize that you’ve lost a diamond while you were too busy collecting stones.” – Unknown

Family Regret Quotes

  1. “Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So love the people who treat you right, forget about the ones who don’t and believe that everything happens for a reason.” – Unknown
  2. “I have learned that I should be careful with the words I choose to say when I am angry because later, those words always leave a huge wound of regrets in my heart besides hurting the loved ones.” – Nino Varsimashvili
  3. “Many times, the decisions we make effect and hurt our closest friends and family the most. I have a lot of regrets in that regard. But God has forgiven me, which I am very thankful for. It has enabled me to forgive myself and move forward one day at a time.” – Lex Luger
  4. “Our most basic instinct is not for survival but for family. Most of us would give our own life for the survival of a family member, yet we lead our daily life too often as if we take our family for granted.” – Paul Pearshall
  5. “At the end of your life, you will never regret not having passed one more test, not winning one more race, or not closing one more deal. You will regret time not spent with your family.” – Barbara Bush
  6. “No human on his deathbed ever regretted having spent too much time with his children.” – George Stamatis
  7. “People die all the time. Life is a lot more fragile than we think. So you should treat others in a way that leaves no regrets. Fairly, and if possible, sincerely. It’s too easy not to make the effort, then weep and wring your hands after the person dies.” – Haruki Murakami
  8. “Your children make it impossible to regret your past. They’re its finest fruits. Sometimes the only ones.” ― Anna Quindlen
  9. “Listen earnestly to anything your children want to tell you, no matter what. If you don’t listen eagerly to the little stuff when they are little, they won’t tell you the big stuff when they are big, because to them all of it has always been big stuff.” – Catherine M. Wallace
  10. “Family is the most important thing in the world.” – Princess Diana
  11. “If you want your children to turn out well, spend twice as much time with them and half as much money.” – Abigail Van Buren
  12. “Let us make one point, that we meet each other with a smile, when it is difficult to smile. Smile at each other, make time for each other in your family.” – Mother Theresa
  13. “The best inheritance a parent can give to their children is a few minutes of their time each day.” – M. Grundler
  14. “Love your family. Spend time, be kind, and serve one another. Make no room for regrets. Tomorrow is not promised and today is short.” – Unknown
  15. “Think of your family today and every day thereafter, don’t let the busy world of today keep you from showing how much you love and appreciate your family.” – Josiah
  16. “Family isn’t always blood. It’s the people in your life who want you in theirs. The ones you accept you for who you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile, and who love you no matter what.” – Unknown
  17. “Feelings of worth can flourish only in an atmosphere where individual differences are appreciated, mistakes are tolerated, communication is open, and rules are flexible — the kind of atmosphere that is found in a nurturing family.” – Virginia Satir
  18. “You can kiss your family and friends good-bye and put miles between you, but at the same time you carry them with you in your heart, your mind, your stomach, because you do not just live in a world but a world lives in you.” – Frederick Buechner
  19. “The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.” – Henry Ward Beecher
  20. “Parents were the only ones obligated to love you; from the rest of the world you had to earn it.” – Ann Brashares
  21. “That’s what people do who love you. They put their arms around you and love you when you’re not so lovable.” – Deb Caletti
  22. “Sometimes the best families are the ones God builds using unexpected pieces of our hearts.” – Melanie Shankle
  23. “I think people that have a brother or sister don’t realize how lucky they are. Sure, they fight a lot, but to know that there’s always somebody there, somebody that’s family.” – Trey Parker
  24. “While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about.” – Angela Schwindt
  25. “The love of family and the admiration of friends is much more important than wealth and privilege.” – Charles Kuralt
  26. “No matter what you’ve done for yourself or for humanity, if you can’t look back on having given love and attention to your own family, what have you really accomplished?” – Elbert Hubbard
  27. “Always kiss your children goodnight – even if they’re already asleep.” – H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
  28. “Family faces are magic mirrors looking at people who belong to us, we see the past, present, and future.” – Gail Lumet Buckley
  29. “In time of test, family is best.” – Burmese Proverb
  30. “A mother’s love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity, it dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path.” – Agatha Christie
  31. “Everyone needs a house to live in, but a supportive family is what builds a home.” – Anthony Liccione If you are living with regret, whether it is in your life, in a relationship, or with your family, hopefully, you can find some inspiration in these quotes to help get you through those hard feelings. 30 Heart-Melting Soulmate Quotes To Inspire Love And Intimacy 64 Overthinking Quotes To Help You Get Out Of Your Head Did you find any value from these quotes on regret? I hope you enjoyed these regret quotes. I hope you’ll use these regret quotes to live your life fully now. Would you like to help others? It would be really great if you could help me spread these regret quotes to others. Would you be willing to share these famous quotes on your preferred social media platform?

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