But when the time comes to deliver them, they sound stale — or silly.  Finding the words to make your girlfriend feel special and adored shouldn’t be so complicated. Sometimes, though, you could use a little help.  Welcome to our list of 57 of the best compliments to give a woman. 

How to Compliment a Woman without Being Cheesy

Knowing the best compliments to give a girl won’t help you if you don’t know how to compliment her the way she likes to be complimented. And while every woman is different, the following tips are worth considering. 

Stick with the truth. Don’t exaggerate or say what you think she wants to hear about her looks, her personality, etc., to get her in the mood. Be authentic. Look her in the eyes. If your eyes are fixed on her chest, every compliment will send the message that her sex appeal is the main reason you’re talking to her. Don’t be gross. Sex may be on your mind, but don’t lead with that. Creepy pick-up lines are a big no. Show her you see more than her body and what it can do for you.Learn the meaning of finesse. Focus on making her feel heard, loved, and respected. You can’t be on the same page if you’re trying to skip to the end.Respect the value of timing. Use the kind of compliment that fits the situation. Know her values. Compliments that focus on what’s important to her will be more meaningful and more welcome. Show her you care enough to get to know her.Don’t compliment to get something from her. The appropriate compensation for a sincere, no-strings-attached compliment is “Thank you” — not sex (or even a kiss). Be confident. A compliment delivered with confidence means more because it feels more decisive and unconditional. A tentative compliment feels forced and weak. Avoid size-based compliments. Instead of saying, “That dress makes you look so skinny,” try, “You are rocking that dress!” 

57 Compliments for Women 

The following compliments for women come with follow-up statements that help explain it. You can use the extra content as an extension of your praise or modify it to better suit her — or better fit your situation.  The compliments are divided into subgroups to help you find just the right compliment for the moment. 

Cute Compliments for Her

Cute isn’t the same as cutesy. The goal of these compliments is to make your girlfriend feel good about herself — without her feeling as though you’re undressing her with your eyes or trying to score points. Give them for the sake of showing your appreciation.

Sweet Compliments for Her

These are similar to the cute compliments in that they express appreciation. They’re only sweet, though, if they’re delivered with sincerity and without the expectation of a reward. 

Non-Physical Compliments for Women

Women need to know you value more than what you can perceive with your senses (sight, sound, smell, touch, taste). These compliments focus on what you “see” in her with your heart, mind, and soul. Show her that you see — and love — the whole person. 

Love Compliments for Women

These compliments focus on making the woman in your life feel loved, admired, and of utmost importance. Show her how your life is immeasurably better with her in it. Show her how she makes you feel when she’s with you, and when she’s not. 

Funny Compliments for Women

Compliments can be funny, too. And while it’s not easy to think up compliments that are sure to make her laugh, these should give you some ideas on how to lighten the mood (when appropriate) or make the most of your fun together.  How and when will you use the compliments for women? 15 Exquisite Poems About Change That Will Transform You 51 Compliments For Your Man To Make Him Feel Special 101 Of The Best Appreciation Messages To Show Your Gratitude Now that you’ve looked through these 57 thoughtful compliments for women, which ones are you most likely to use with the woman you love?  Which of them say what you’ve been trying to say or have wanted to say more clearly? Which are best for nights out or for staying home together? Choose a few favorites, and share at least one of them with her today. Even if she doesn’t return the favor at that moment, if the love is mutual, your words will matter.  May every earnest compliment draw you closer together. 

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