Turn-ons are often about the little things you notice in someone’s behavior. Sometimes, they don’t even make sense. And what catches your attention might fly under the radar for someone else.  In most cases, though, it’s a lot easier to know what will turn someone on when you get to know them. And what you learn might surprise you.  So, what are the most common turn-ons? 

What Are Turn-Ons?

If someone is attracted to a specific trait, gesture, or habit, that’s one of their turn-ons. It might be as simple as a tilt of the head or a suggestive stare.  When you’re attracted to someone, you’re more likely to have turn-ons that relate specifically to that person. You probably wouldn’t be turned on by a stranger dancing in the kitchen, but if it’s your partner, that’s a different story.  Turn-ons are different for everyone. Something that turns on one person might have the opposite effect on someone else. And what turns you in one partner might have zero effect when you notice it in another. Nuance plays a big part here.  So what are some turn-ons that have a similar effect on most people? And which of the following are on your personal list?

20 Top Turn-Ons for Men

Read on for 20 of the biggest turn-ons for men. Make a note of those you’ve noticed so far. 

  1. Putting your hair up — Guys love it when you do anything with your hair, and putting it up shows that you mean business.
  2. Playing with your hair — Mess with your hair a little. He’ll find it cute and endearing.
  3. Playing with his hair — Use any excuse to be in physical contact with him. Playing with his hair is a wonderful way to be close.
  4. Biting your lower lip — It’s cute, it’s suggestive, and it’s guaranteed to leave him tongue-tied.
  5. Making eye contact — Guys appreciate meaningful eye contact. It deepens human connection.
  6. Smiling — Grin, smirk, or just give him a friendly smile. It will make him feel appreciated.
  7. Taking your jacket off — You don’t have to completely undress to get him in the mood. Sometimes all you need is to remove one layer.
  8. Dancing — He loves to see you when you’re passionate, especially when that involves getting lost in the movement.
  9. Stretching — Any movement will do, really.
  10. Challenging him — Challenge him to an arm wrestle, a race, or even just a trivia game. Bringing out his competitive side will put him in a passionate mood.
  11. Wearing red — The color red is associated with love, passion, and intimacy.
  12. Feeding him chocolates — The act of feeding him is intimate on its own, but chocolates have been found to release serotonin in the brain, creating an effect similar to the feeling of falling in love.
  13. Hugging — Men love close touch and intimacy, and this absolutely includes hugging.
  14. Having deep conversations — Talk about things you’re passionate about. If he’s attracted to you already, this will make him appreciate you even more.
  15. Showing excitement when you see him — He loves to be appreciated and reminded that he lights up your world.
  16. Laughing — Watch a funny movie or TV show together. Seeing you laugh will only make him feel more connected to you.
  17. Being confident — He loves getting that energy from you. Be self-assured but not cocky.
  18. Squeezing his hand — Show him that you don’t want to let go. Holding hands can be incredibly vulnerable.
  19. Making him dinner — You don’t have to do it all the time, but cooking for him will make him feel cared for. He’ll appreciate the effort you put in.
  20. Kissing his face — Kisses on the lips are good, but kisses on the nose? Forehead? Cheeks? Also very good. Make him feel loved. 115 Of The Best Love Messages For Your Wife 21 Examples Of Non-sexual Turn Ons The Ultimate List Of 369 Beautiful Words

20 Top Turn-Ons for Women

Which of these 20 turn-ons for women stand out for you? And what would you add to the list?

  1. Raising an eyebrow — Raising an eyebrow can be suggestive, or it can simply be endearing.
  2. Smiling — A genuine smile or trademark smirk can be a turn-on for women too.
  3. Complimenting her — Possibly the biggest turn-on for girls. Try a compliment about something she can control, like her clothing choice or hairstyle. This will mean more than simply saying you like the color of her eyes.
  4. Making her favorite food — Show her that she’s appreciated. Making her favorite food demonstrates that you’re willing to put in the work.
  5. Putting jewelry on her — It’s not about the jewelry. The act of helping her put on a necklace is an incredibly intimate thing.
  6. Playing with her hair — Yes, this goes both ways. Use any excuse to be in close physical contact.
  7. Hugging her from behind — Walking up to her and hugging her from behind can be a huge turn-on. Just make sure she’s comfortable with it, and don’t startle her.
  8. Cleaning — This may not sound like the hottest thing to do, but it will mean the world to her — as long as you don’t act as if you’re “doing all the work around here.”
  9. Massaging her shoulders – Many women love this, and it deepens your physical connection. 
  10. Holding her hand — Rub your thumb against her hand while you’re holding it. This makes her feel closer to you.
  11. Making her coffee in the morning — Again: Put the work in! Doing something small like getting her a morning coffee will make all the difference.
  12. Saying “I love you” — It might not seem like a big deal, especially if you’ve said it a thousand times before. But no matter how much you say it, it’s still music to her ears.
  13. Making an effort to bond with her friends — It’s good to get along with other people that are important to her. It will remind her you want to be involved in more than one part of her life.
  14. Buying her something — It doesn’t have to be big. Any little personalized gift will remind her that you love her. Bonus points if the gift honors something you’ve noticed about her.
  15. Dancing with her — She likes to be held in your arms, and when you dance, you take charge of the motion. Guide her with love and passion.
  16. Reminding her that she’s beautiful — Build her up. Be her biggest fan. She’ll feel close to you when you make her feel good about herself.
  17. Touching her knee — It’s a good way to show her that you want physical contact, but it isn’t inherently sexual. That doesn’t mean, of course, that it can’t lead there.
  18. Whispering in her ear — There’s nothing quite as close and gentle as leaning in to quietly tell her something.
  19. Surprising her — Take her to a new place for a date, or show up on her doorstep with flowers. Don’t be afraid to show her your spontaneous side.
  20. Telling her she’s right — If she’s right in an argument, don’t hesitate to admit it. Let go of your pride. She will see that you are mature and willing to admit when you’re wrong. Now that you’ve read this list of common turn-ons, what will you do with it? And what will you do differently today to show your significant other you’ve been paying attention?

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