11 Characteristics Of A Bitter Person

You’ve run out of ideas on how to help someone in your life see things in a more positive light. The more you try, the more signs of bitterness you pick up in their words and behavior. You recognize the negativity at the root of everything they say and do. And it’s exhausting. Where does it all come from? And what can you do about it? What is Bitterness in a Person?...

January 16, 2023 · 7 min · 1479 words · Donna Whitenton

11 Ways To Let Go Of Expectations In A Relationship

What we’re trying to avoid here is the heartache, frustration, and misery that come from unrealistic expectations in relationships. No one can meet all your expectations, even if you make them clear to the people in your life. The problems usually come, though, with expectations you assume are universal. When those unspoken expectations are imposed (consciously or not) on real people with independent wills, disappointment is inevitable. So, what can you do instead?...

January 16, 2023 · 7 min · 1342 words · Dean Turner

11 Ways To Stop Being Manipulative

People often use manipulative behavior with the intent to gain power or control over others. If you tend to ask yourself, “Am I manipulative?” you probably are. Sometimes it’s accidental, and other times you’re fully aware of it. The better question is, “Why am I manipulative?” You may need to get people to agree with your opinions or do things your way. Manipulative people often get away with their behavior because they are good at making people feel sorry for them or make their victims feel bad about themselves....

January 16, 2023 · 8 min · 1496 words · Sara Wright

125 Outrageously Fun Most Likely To Questions

Here’s where our list of most likely to questions comes in. You start a game of “Who’s most likely to…” and pretty soon, you’re laughing together and forgetting all about so-and-so’s political tweets or whether your fandom’s newest ship makes any sense. So, how can a bunch of silly questions make your together time better? And how do you get started? How to Play Most Likely to Questions You need two things for a rousing game of “Who’s most likely to…” And you can probably guess what those are....

January 16, 2023 · 9 min · 1768 words · Luis Davis

13 Signs Of A One Sided Friendship

You willingly go the extra mile when your friend sends an SOS signal. Yet, when it’s your time to ask for help, he or she is suddenly too busy to care. Also, somewhere along the way, you’re the only one sending messages and planning get-togethers when you miss your friend. Unfortunately, your friend’s hot and cold behavior often means that you’re stuck in a one-sided friendship. It’s a relationship where you play the role of an attentive listener, advisor, and helper whenever the situation arises....

January 16, 2023 · 10 min · 2029 words · Jerry Lariviere

15 Signs He Doesn T Want Anyone Else To Have You

Funny, right? But it’s less than amusing when your man gives the same mixed signals. What do you do when he doesn’t want you but doesn’t want anyone else to have you? Pulling you closer only to push you away can leave you hurt, confused, and insecure. And like a dog, your guy wants to mark you as his territory, even when he’s made it clear he doesn’t want a relationship....

January 16, 2023 · 9 min · 1880 words · Cathy Sachs

185 Inspiring Words Of Encouragement To Motivate And Lift You Up

Maybe you’ve had a recent loss or some bad news, or perhaps you’re feeling depressed about something, and you could use some words that motivate and support you. It could be that your self-esteem has taken a hit, and you just can’t pull yourself out of a self-defeating funk. Whatever the reason, you’re in need of some uplifting words today — words that throw you a lifeline and provide inspiration and comfort....

January 16, 2023 · 24 min · 4928 words · Samuel Baker

29 Signs And Characteristics Of A Cheating Woman

Common wisdom says it’s about one in five, but few have faith in the stats. After all, most folks don’t admit to affairs, even when participating in studies. Ultimately, the bottom line is that cheating happens more often than we’d like to believe. But when you search for articles about infidelity, the majority focus on men. So today, to balance the scale a bit, we’re examining what it looks like when wives cheat....

January 16, 2023 · 11 min · 2146 words · Heather Gonzalez

295 Positive Words That Start With The Letter M

What can we say except: They’re amazing. Conveying thoughts and expressing feelings by stringing letters together is a magnificent gift that humans should never take for granted. For committed wordsmiths, finding the perfect word can be as satisfying as any carnal — (or culinary) — pleasure. In that spirit, we mucked around the massive mound of “M” locutions and made a list of our favorite postive M words. Words That Start With the Letter M M is the thirteenth letter of the alphabet, and the English language includes over 6,000 words starting with it....

January 16, 2023 · 5 min · 881 words · Bobbie Terry

41 Hobbies For Women In Their 30S

Did you know that now is the perfect time to delve into a new hobby? Why? Because by now, you have probably figured out what you want in life and what makes you happy. You have a better idea of who you are and what you want to accomplish. Hobbies can help improve your mood, give you a sense of accomplishment, and provide a fun way to spend your free time....

January 16, 2023 · 13 min · 2736 words · Karen Hicks

55 I Miss You Messages For Him Words To Melt His Heart

Luckily, through modern technology, you are only a few clicks or a call away from the man you miss. You can save running through the airport for the movies, and send a thoughtful text to make his day. However, many people find themselves stumped when trying to express the depths of their love in a succinct few lines of text. If you’ve been staring at the empty space above your keyboard with a full heart, we have collected a list of 55 missing him messages to brighten his day and make yours easier....

January 16, 2023 · 12 min · 2490 words · Kimberly Morse

575 Bucket List Ideas Plus Printables For A No Regrets Life

Have you checked off many items? If not, right now isn’t too soon to get started checking off bucket list items. Let’s say you live to age ninety. How many days do you have left to live? Take your age now and subtract it from ninety, then multiply that number by 365. That’s pretty finite, isn’t it? As busy as your life is right now, you need to make time for the stuff you dream about — the adventures, the relationships, the memories, and goals that are important to you....

January 16, 2023 · 16 min · 3236 words · Peggy Smith

63 Moving On Quotes Best Sayings To Help You Start Over

But others have suffered as you’re suffering now. And the quotes in this article come from those who’ve found a way to move on in spite of that pain. Some have even found new and better paths because of it. And you can be one of them. But you won’t know where a view of the bigger picture will lead you until you make the first step. So, if you’re tired of feeling stuck in a self-torturing loop, consider the carefully chosen moving on quotes that follow....

January 16, 2023 · 10 min · 2007 words · Chad Coats

67 Christmas Icebreaker Questions For Holiday Gatherings

These are questions designed to jumpstart conversations. They help people in group settings get past any nervousness or uncertainty that they might be feeling. Holiday icebreakers save people from boring chitchat about the weather. Just print out some pages of Christmas questions to ask and pass them out. Your guests will soon have plenty to talk about. 67 Christmas Icebreaker Questions for the Holidays Choose your icebreaker questions according to the nature of your party....

January 16, 2023 · 5 min · 1042 words · Judith Avery

How Often Should You See Your Boyfriend 9 Things To Consider

When you meet someone who gives you a rush and makes you feel good, it’s easy to want to be around them constantly. While the desire to flood your time with their presence is understandable and expected, it’s crucial to find a healthy balance of time together and apart. So, how often do couples see each other? It depends. Is It Normal for Your Boyfriend to Only See You Once a Week?...

January 16, 2023 · 7 min · 1311 words · Thomas Cecil

How To Let Things Go 11 Ways To Release Control And Frustration

We learn what is worth fighting for and what we can let go. It is a valuable lesson that can help us maintain healthy relationships and lives. If we always fight for every little thing, we will quickly become drained and resentful. Let’s discuss 11 ways to let things go to create a happier life for yourself. Why Can’t I Let Go of Things? We hold on to things for a variety of reasons....

January 16, 2023 · 10 min · 1982 words · William Galeana

How To Write A Love Letter That Will Blow Them Away

I’m hearing crickets out there. A blank silence. If you can’t remember the last love letter you wrote, or if you’ve never hand-written a love letter (with an actual pen and paper), it’s not surprising. In this era of instant communication, an old-fashioned love letter might seem archaic and inefficient. Why cramp your fingers writing a letter when you can strengthen your thumbs with a quick text? “ILY, babe. UR awesome....

January 16, 2023 · 13 min · 2634 words · Guadalupe Whitworth

Self Loathing Personality 9 Signs Of Self Hate And How To Deal With It

But when you consistently focus only on those things and act as though they outweigh anything lovable in you, you may have a self-loathing personality. Unlike those who can weigh the good against the bad in themselves in a healthy way, people with self-loathing personalities have deeply-rooted feelings of inadequacy. No matter how much loved ones praise you and admire you, and no matter how successful you may be, you feel worthless and filled with self-disgust....

January 16, 2023 · 10 min · 2051 words · Shelia Francis

Social Chameleon Personality All You Need To Know About This Personality Type

They pick up on social cues and take on the personality traits of those around them. Take a moment just to imagine a total lack of social awkwardness and how that must feel. (Yeah, I can’t either.) If there’s a downside to this ability to “go native” in any social circle, it stems from the very thing that drives chameleon personalities to do their thing and blend in: the fear of standing out....

January 16, 2023 · 8 min · 1552 words · Mary Hill

The Green Personality Type 9 Traits Of The Abstract Thinker

If green is one of your favorite colors, the traits described below will probably sound familiar. But what can a color say about your strengths and weaknesses? Plenty, it turns out. And you’re about to learn what it means to have a green personality type. While you’re enjoying the list of deep thinker personality traits, give special attention to those that resonate with you most. The Green Personality As a green true colors type, you’re intelligent and creative....

January 16, 2023 · 5 min · 965 words · Edna Thompson