151 Fun Yes Or No Questions For Couples

Good yes or no questions can provide insight, start a conversation, or simply fill the time. You can take turns asking each other these questions, ask a few each night, or go through the whole list in an evening. If you don’t have a partner, you can ask many of these questions of friends, family members, or even that stranger you just met. 151 Fun and Informative Yes or No Questions for Couples These yes or no questions are divided into simple categories....

January 13, 2023 · 7 min · 1381 words · Terry Moore

17 Actions To Stop Oversharing

Sharing your confidential information and problems has become more socially acceptable. Almost everyone has overshared at a point in their lives. But oversharing is more than just being friendly. It is an attempt to reach out to others, looking for a sympathetic ear or words of advice. Rather than making friends, oversharing can negatively affect our reputations and relationships. To manage chronic oversharing, you must first understand what it is and why you overshare so that it does not wreak havoc in your life....

January 13, 2023 · 10 min · 2022 words · Pamela Ayala

186 Things To Be Thankful For

Even during difficult times, there are so many things to be grateful for. In fact, intentionally focusing on gratitude can make you feel happier and help you recognize that you have far more good than bad in your life. In the United States, Thanksgiving Day is around the corner, and it’s the perfect time to make (or review) your list of things to be thankful for. So, to help, we’ve made a list of things to be thankful for — along with reasons to be thankful for what you have....

January 13, 2023 · 19 min · 3927 words · Alexandra Perez

21 Signs Of Emotionally Unavailable Men Characteristics To Pay Attention To

It’s extremely painful to feel shut out by your partner and unable to connect on a deep and intimate level. Most women want to be in a relationship in which they can fully express themselves and feel heard and understood. They also want a man who is willing to share his emotions and show some vulnerability. When he does this, a man is showing his woman that he trusts and cares for her enough to reveal his inner world....

January 13, 2023 · 15 min · 3146 words · Judy Simon

25 Books You Can T Put Down

We have that in common! While your list of gripping books might differ from someone else’s, some books find their way onto more lists than others. If you’ve read any of the books listed below, you already know they’re too good to put down, even when you’ve reached the last page. And they stay with you. If you haven’t read all of the following books yet, you’re in for a treat!...

January 13, 2023 · 17 min · 3474 words · Michael Boulanger

27 Sweet Love Letters For Her

Whether it’s new to you or something you frequently do, little notes from the heart are great for when you have a hard time expressing your feelings or want to go above and beyond your typical displays of affection. Either way, such a sweet gesture to make her feel loved and cherished is sure to melt her heart, at least a little. (Side note: What if your spouse or partner knew exactly what to ask to draw out your deepest desires and help you calmly navigate areas of pain or conflict?...

January 13, 2023 · 10 min · 2009 words · Eddie Roberts

35 Love Messages For Your Husband To Melt His Heart

You’ve looked through more greeting cards than you can count, and they just don’t quite say what you want to tell him. Look up “romantic words for husband” and it leads you on yet another chase. You’re not looking for gushy sentiments so much as phrases that put your feelings into words. Good thing you’re here. How Do I Melt My Husband’s Heart? The better you know your husband, the easier it is to know what will melt his heart and leave him with no doubt of your love and appreciation for him....

January 13, 2023 · 5 min · 1020 words · John Mcnally

36 Sexually Intimate Questions For Couples To Build Deeper Connection

Now that you’ve been together for a while, you’re noticing some reticence, some hesitation, even some decline in interest. You can no longer assume that if you’re interested in sex, your partner will be, too. So what can a list of sexually intimate questions for couples do to turn things around and rekindle the romance? Read on to find out. Can asking intimate questions deepen the sexual experience with your partner?...

January 13, 2023 · 12 min · 2449 words · Angela Muir

37 Best Creative Project Ideas Fun Unique Ways To Stoke Your Creativity

What can it hurt, after all, to learn about creative project ideas that could enrich your life and the lives of others? Or maybe what you learn from one project will translate into new ideas for another. The potential for cross-over with these creative projects is what makes them potentially life-changing. But what makes creativity so powerful in the first place? Why are creativity and creative projects important? Before we go into how to boost creativity, it’s important to know why creativity is important....

January 13, 2023 · 15 min · 3177 words · Raymond Williams

51 Getting To Know You Questions

You meet clients or customers at work. You’re introduced to a potential new friend. Or you start dating someone new who might turn out to be a romantic partner. In all of these situations, you’ll need to ask some getting to know you questions to learn more about the person beyond the superficial chit-chat when you first meet. Asking good questions to get to know someone not only allows you to learn more about him or her, but also it allows the other person to explore themselves and articulate a deeper level of self-awareness....

January 13, 2023 · 15 min · 3130 words · Anthony Reedy

67 Gratitude Affirmations To Rapidly Shift Your Mood

Using affirmations for gratitude — in the morning and throughout the day — can transform your mindset for the better and help you attract more good things into your life. Sincere gratitude has a way of changing not only your life but the lives of those you influence with your words and actions. We’ve curated this list of 67 powerful affirmations to make gratitude so easy, it becomes second nature....

January 13, 2023 · 6 min · 1241 words · Robert Reina

7 Signs You Are A Detail Oriented Person

The ability to detect small details is a beneficial trait and something not everyone possesses. It is also something that employers in high-level professions tend to look for. Detail-oriented people tend to possess good problem-solving skills and are less likely to overlook important information. They are critical thinkers that review all outcomes and details before coming to a decision. How do you know if this fits your disposition? Here is a closer look at the signs of a detail-oriented personality....

January 13, 2023 · 7 min · 1457 words · Jackie Whitehead

8 Emotional Manipulation Tactics How To Deal With A Manipulator

Not emotional manipulation. Each person must feel they are valued and loved unconditionally, accepted for who they are, and safe to expose their vulnerabilities and flaws. This is the ideal foundation for a good relationship, but of course, all of us fall short of this ideal from time to time. We might use passive-aggressive tactics to express our pain or get our way in a disagreement. We might tell white lies or throw out hurtful barbs to protect ourselves and cope with our own pain or anger....

January 13, 2023 · 11 min · 2301 words · Roy Hayes

89 Self Love Quotes Inspirational Love Yourself Quotes

You don’t like your face or your body or the funny cowlick in your bangs. Maybe you see yourself as incompetent, lacking personality, or unworthy in some way. We all feel bad about ourselves from time to time. But it’s when you can’t find anything to like about yourself — when you can’t embrace your own uniqueness and are unable to feel good about who you are then it becomes a problem....

January 13, 2023 · 15 min · 3124 words · Leta Hill

9 Best Travel Wallets For 2020

Imagine having to explain to a local vendor (who knows little to no English) that you don’t have enough to buy their wares because you realized too late that someone stole all your cash. It’s embarrassing, if not horrifying. It’s the last thing you want to happen in a country where you don’t have a clue how the locals handle these sorts of things. To avoid that, you can (1) brush up on the do’s and don’ts before visiting a particular country, and (2) get the best travel wallet you can find....

January 13, 2023 · 9 min · 1765 words · Mario Rawlinson

How To Use Packing Cubes For More Efficient Travel

I can’t tell you how many times I thought: “Man, if I could fit in just a couple more shirts, I’d be ready for that one-week trip.” Or how many hours I wasted trying to remember where I put my gadgets, because I swear they’re buried somewhere in my bag. Well, I’m happy to report that I no longer experience the above. And it’s all because I figured out how to use packing cubes....

January 13, 2023 · 8 min · 1505 words · Cheryl Beaman

Infj Door Slam Have You Been Shut Out By An Infj

Or maybe you’re the door slamming INFJ who would like to better understand why you do what you do with people who’ve exhausted your compassion. After all, cutting people off completely is not your go-to. It’s a last resort. It’s not something you enjoy doing to anyone, but when you reach that point, it becomes easy to walk away from the one who’s crossed the line. You can do it without hesitation – and without feeling anything but relief....

January 13, 2023 · 7 min · 1399 words · Julian Aldridge

Self Esteem Activities Powerful Game Changers For Kids And Adults

To answer this question, you first need to know what self-esteem is and why it’s worth the effort to boost it. While it often gets confused with self-confidence, self-esteem isn’t about what you do but rather who and what you are. It’s about your value as a person, which doesn’t depend on what you do or how well you do it. It makes sense to get well acquainted with the truth of who and what you are....

January 13, 2023 · 10 min · 1993 words · Melvin Taylor

What Happens When You Have Too Much Empathy

After all, empathy is a good thing, right? How could there even be such a thing as an empathy disorder? But, then again, even good things can be overdone. Good foodGood coffee/wineOxygenFresh fruitEnthusiasm The DSM-V even classifies hyper-empathy as a characteristic of some personality disorders; having too much empathy for others causes undue suffering and distress and compromises your ability to function in your personal and professional life. So, what are the signs of being overly empathetic?...

January 13, 2023 · 7 min · 1482 words · Robert Doyle

10 Reasons Why You Should Not Be Productive

I bet you do, even if it’s not written down. You probably have your list of immediate work things that must be done and your list of big picture work things you want to do — when you have time. Then there’s your list of regular tasks at home, your list of appointments to schedule, your list of regularly occurring maintenance tasks for yourself, your home, your car, etc. There’s the list of things you’ve promised your kids, your spouse, your neighbor, your church, and your parents....

January 12, 2023 · 7 min · 1352 words · Ethel Bodenhamer