Ways To Calm Your Anxious Mind

If I’m not paying attention, I tend to be an over-thinker — I ruminate and play out various scenarios in my head past the point of it being productive. By not relaxing my mind I can get agitated and anxious, especially when an answer or solution doesn’t emerge from all of my thinking. In the past, I’d just plunge back in, believing I hadn’t given enough thought to the situation....

January 15, 2023 · 8 min · 1525 words · Amy Lock

What Is An Introvert

Do you like to approach people you don’t know and make small talk or learn something about where they come from? Or, would you rather stay out of the limelight and limit your conversations to a few meaningful ones rather than talking about the weather or sports? If you love being the center of attention or being with groups of people, that means you are eager for contact and like to make a lot of connections with others....

January 15, 2023 · 9 min · 1852 words · Geraldine Kubiak

When To Walk Away After Infidelity 13 Ways To Know For Sure

Even when infidelity occurs, the decision is not always immediate or easy. You’ll start by wondering, “Can a marriage survive an affair?” The answer depends on the people and what happened. Every relationship involves two unique people. Their personalities, behaviors, and emotions will direct the outcomes. Some spouses recover from infidelity, and some don’t. As you evaluate your relationship, you’ll have to judge whether you see signs that you should walk away....

January 15, 2023 · 9 min · 1794 words · Marylou Logsdon

Why Do I Feel Trapped In My Relationship 10 Possible Reasons

Is your relationship feeling a bit stifling or even suffocating? Relationships can be beautiful, but they can grow to be challenging. They offer us the opportunity to connect with someone else, learn more about ourselves, and grow in ways we never thought possible. But sometimes, you can also feel trapped in a relationship, leaving you helpless and unsure of what to do next. But before you throw in the towel on your relationship, it’s essential to take a step back and understand why you feel this way....

January 15, 2023 · 10 min · 2019 words · Ellen Walsh

11 Characteristics Of A Transactional Relationship

One of the most sensationalized transactional relationships was Christian Grey and Anatasia Steele in 50 Shades of Grey, complete with a legal non-disclosure agreement and terms of the deal. Transactional relationships aren’t always about sex. In fact, there are many more “benefits” than meet the eye. Financial security, power, and lifestyle could all be motivating factors. What Is a Transactional Relationship? In the simplest terms, a transactional relationship has nothing to do with instant attraction, feelings, or comfort....

January 14, 2023 · 10 min · 1977 words · Olga Grant

11 Future Self Journaling Prompts

And how did this become a thing? You’ve heard of vision boards and have learned what it means to have a daily mindfulness practice. In a future self journal, you sort of combine the two, but with a key difference. You’ll be using words, not images, to describe how you want your future life to look. It’s self journaling, which is probably not new to you. But in this case, you’ll be writing about the future self you want to grow into....

January 14, 2023 · 8 min · 1643 words · Doris Rapoza

11 Signs Of Introverted Intuition And Why It S Such A Rare Strength

Or are you exceptionally talented at spotting trends or putting the pieces of a metaphorical puzzle together? This may happen to you occasionally — or often — but some people have this happen most of the time because they are gifted with a rare personality type that allows them to think in a unique way. INFJs and INTJs, two of the sixteen Myers Briggs personality types, make up the smallest portion of the population — only 3-5% of the world when they are put together....

January 14, 2023 · 12 min · 2437 words · Marion Dean

11 Tips For An Introvert Dating An Extrovert

One is a wallflower, and the other is the life of the party. But opposites attract, and attraction between an introvert and an extrovert is bound to happen. But can an introvert date an extrovert? If you’re wondering if an introvert-extrovert relationship can work, don’t worry because in many pairings, it works beautifully. The following tips will help you make it a success and prove all the naysayers wrong....

January 14, 2023 · 8 min · 1572 words · Sherry Hurley

115 Love Messages For Your Wife Send Her A Romantic Text

While the phrase “I love you” has a deep and meaningful purpose, when it is said so often, it can begin to lose its value. Maybe it’s time to offer some new and creative love messages for her to show how much she means to you. But don’t wait for a special occasion to express these romantic love messages to your wife. She will especially appreciate your words when you offer them simply because you care enough to make a little extra effort....

January 14, 2023 · 18 min · 3824 words · Adam May

12 Best Pens For Lefties

Your right-handed friends can enjoy the smooth fluidity of the ink without worrying that their hands will smudge and smear it as they write. But you? It’s hard to find a pen that won’t punish you for using it. Inky hands aren’t a good look. So, does this mean you’re doomed to write only with pencils? Thank heavens, no. More than one genius out there designed pens for left-handed writers....

January 14, 2023 · 7 min · 1393 words · Manuel Smith

13 Reasons To Do The Right Thing When No One Is Looking

In today’s world of personal branding and social media, “doing good” has become a marketing tool. We’ve gotten to a point where influencers claim to raise money for causes and pocket the proceeds or build inauthentic personalities around what they think people want to see and hear. You may think: phoniness is a harmless affectation — a facade. Who cares if people fake their motivations? Good is being done, and that’s all that matters....

January 14, 2023 · 6 min · 1248 words · Julia Veras

13 Ways To Be Irresistible To Men

Or why some women have men hanging on their every word whether she’s available and interested or not? They’re not always the prettiest women in the room, and they don’t necessarily have wads of cash, super exciting careers, or famous friends, but men flock to them like moths to a flame. So what is it about these women? What makes a woman irresistible to men? 13 Ways To Be Irresistible To Men A man may initially notice your physical appearance, but it isn’t the only thing that draws him to you....

January 14, 2023 · 8 min · 1533 words · Elizabeth Hernandez

13 Ways To Feel Normal And Less Weird

This word has a place in science but not necessarily in society. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines normal, in part, as “approximating the statistical average or norm.” There is no one definition of how to act normally because it can differ vastly from one person to the next. On top of that, let’s use the words average and basic, which are synonyms for normal. “I love being friends with you! You are so normal!...

January 14, 2023 · 10 min · 1986 words · Sergio Antal

14 Break Up Letters To Someone You Loved Examples And Helpful Tips

It’s absolutely possible to still care deeply about a partner, even if you know that partner isn’t the one. It’s also possible to end the relationship amicably and while doing your best to hurt their feelings as little as possible. If you need to break up with someone, choose a goodbye emotional break-up letter to your boyfriend or girlfriend from our list below. How to Write a Break-Up Letter Another cliche that holds true: Breaking up is hard to do....

January 14, 2023 · 10 min · 2105 words · Harry Varela

15 Ways To Be Bold Actions To Become A Bolder Person

You knew it wasn’t liquid courage, either. Boldness was their default setting. So, were they born that way? Or can you (or anyone) learn how to be bold and confident? It’s a bit of both. Some folks are just naturally bolder than others. But being bold—or bolder—is within anyone’s reach. Read on to learn how. What Is a Bold Person Like? Bold people are a diverse bunch, and some are bolder than others....

January 14, 2023 · 7 min · 1401 words · Denise Gish

19 Solid Ways To Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back

Maybe she dumped you, or you did the dirty deed in your “un-infinite” wisdom. Whichever the case, you’ve realized it was a huge mistake. You miss everything about her — including the “annoying” things — and wonder how to get her back. Thankfully, you’ve landed in the right spot. Because today, we’re breaking down 19 tips for winning her heart back. So pull up a seat, and let’s get to work!...

January 14, 2023 · 10 min · 2110 words · Antonio Queen

29 Winter Hobbies To Make The Cold Months Bearable

Beautiful as the winter landscape is with the snow and hoarfrost, its effects on road travel can limit your options for fun. And freezing temperatures can restrict some of your favorite outdoor activities. As you’ll see in our list of 29 wintertime hobbies, though, those limits are nothing compared to the options you still have — many of which result in creations worth keeping or sharing with others. Whether you create treasured items or learn something new that can change your life, you owe it to yourself to consider the options....

January 14, 2023 · 9 min · 1710 words · James Blumberg

365 Reasons Why I Love You List

We get it. It’s not that you don’t love them, but coming up with “the reasons I love you” on the spot can be difficult. It takes forethought (and a way with words) to express your feelings in a way that mirrors what’s in your heart. If you find yourself at a loss for words, we’ve compiled this I love you list so you’ll be ready the next time the question lands in your lap....

January 14, 2023 · 20 min · 4066 words · Sanjuana Banks

37 Most Romantic Things To Do For Your Wife

She’s the most important person in your life, and you love her with all your heart. Why not show her how much you care by doing something special for her? It doesn’t need to be a special occasion to go above and beyond to make your wife feel loved – just because you love her is reason enough. We’ve gathered caring, loving, and romantic ideas you can do for her to make your wife feel loved and appreciated....

January 14, 2023 · 13 min · 2629 words · Leta Krupka

51 Confidence Boosting Quotes To Feel Great In Your Own Skin

Whether it’s circumstantial or chronic, low self-confidence impacts all of us at different points in our lives. Even those born with a more positive personality type have times when they doubt their abilities or feel incapable of success. Lacking faith in our abilities, our attractiveness, or our relationship skills is a common theme in human drama. Self-confidence isn’t developed by escaping these difficulties, but rather it’s nurtured and strengthened by the way we respond to life challenges and how we view ourselves in spite of them....

January 14, 2023 · 9 min · 1791 words · Morris Gonzales